Lin Shao
Assistant Professor at
Department of Computer Science, School of Computing
National University of Singapore
Email: linshao at nus dot edu dot sg
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PhD Dissertation Committee


  • NEW [July, 2024] Roller Grasper V3 was accepted to TR-O
  • NEW [July, 2024] Two papers were accepted to IROS 2024
  • NEW [May, 2024] One paper was accepted to ICML 2024
  • NEW [May, 2024] Invited Talk at ICRA 2024 Workshop on A Future Roadmap for Sensorimotor Skill Learning for Robot Manipulation
  • NEW [April, 2024] I serve as an Associate Editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • NEW [Feb, 2024] One paper was accepted to CVPR 2024
  • NEW [Jan, 2024] Two papers were accepted to ICRA 2024
  • NEW [Aug, 2023] I serve as an Associate Editor at ICRA 2024
  • [Aug, 2023] Diff-LfD was accepted to CoRL 2023 as Oral
  • [June, 2023] SAM-RL wons Best System Paper Award finalist at RSS 2023
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